Let your actions speak so loud they will not need to hear what you have to say

Love looks like something it’s an action. No matter how big or small that action is you can show love. A lot of people talk about love. They say things like I love my new car, I love that colour of lipstick, I love pizza. We throw the word love around so easily that sometimes I think the world has forgotten the true meaning.

Jesus said love your neighbouring as you love yourself. I find it concerning that a lot of people don’t even know how to love themselves. They do not understand their true value or worth. They do not treat themselves with the respect that is required to truly love who they are. 

You cannot give to others what you do not have for yourself. So first things first increase your self-love. Treat yourself with respect.  

Actions Speak Louder

Be gentle with yourself. Speak Kindness when you talk to yourself and do something today that makes you feel love. 

You are worth 

We are created in the image and likeness of God. We all have the same colour blood that pumps through our hearts to keep us alive. It is in our nature to belong to a tribe. Without that sense of belonging, we perish. The time has come when we must stop battling between tribes and unite as one tribe of humanity. As God intended. 

We have evolved in our consciousness and are growing wiser day by day. That is why it is no longer acceptable to tolerate racism. Just as it’s no longer acceptable to tolerate domestic violence or child abuse. That’s good news! Making these issues public is the first step to eliminating them. May it be accomplished with love and not hatred with peace and not violence. Two wrongs do not make a right. I pray that we can communicate our needs in a more peaceful and effective way. 

Love conquers all. 

#Peace #Love #AllLivesMatter #God #Forgiveness #Oneness #Together