the beauty of overcoming fear

The beauty of overcoming fear is that you can literally walk on fire

FEAR! False Evidence Appears Real!  The world is crippled by fear right now. It’s amplified by the media who have become the biggest attention seekers trying to steal our attention with drama every day to keep their ratings up. People will do more to avoid pain than to gain pleasure. When we become captives of fear it rules our lives. We as humans are created to connect with each other, when we don’t get to do that, we die. We have become afraid to touch each other. We are afraid to look at each other or even be in the same room as each other. This goes against our very nature and kills off a part of us. Things are never as bad as they seem. This too shall pass. Don’t give your freedom away to fear, it’s the biggest thief of Joy. You are stronger than you think and capable of more than you could ever imagine. I know this because I walked on fire 8 times and I have NEVER been burned! The only thing that really burns us is FEAR itself.  #firewalker #fearless #tonyrobbins #overcomer
Burn and Me a desire or passion worthy of your name
Beauty overcomes fear
 There is no place in the world I am happier than when I am in worship. Serving something greater than yourself gives you the ultimate fulfilment. I found my life when I laid down. Our beliefs are very powerful and determine the quality of our lives. There are empowering beliefs and disempowering beliefs. Fear is a disempowering belief that something will go wrong. Faith is an empowering belief that something will work out right and that we are protected. Our beliefs are determined by the stories we tell ourselves. My favorite stories are stories from the most popular book that was ever written, the Bible. Stories of miracles and hope. I placed my faith and security on God and not on the things of this earth. #bless #faith #love #jesus
Surround yourself with people who lift you up.
You can not hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life. We become what we see, therefore who are you surrounding yourself with? I know it might be difficult considering lock down, but you still have friendships and circles that you communicate with. Are you surrounded by people who love and support you? Do the people in your life encourage you and celebrate your greatness? Do they truly see you or do they have a perception of you that is not true? Sometimes in order to survive or even just move on we need to remove certain friendships or relationships that aren’t helping us be who we need to be. Your vibe will attract your tribe. We must give what we want to receive. Like attracts like, energy seeks its own kind. Maybe it’s time to raise your energy and raise your standards. You were designed and built for greatness and for love.  #friendship #standers #freedom #goodvibes