dedicated to transforming life


Overcome Yourself
Value Your Happiness
Decide where you want to go

Hello and welcome to the Home of Earth Angel Ireland.

My name is Marie-Therese.

 You may be wondering what an Earth Angel is. When I tell you, you may come to realise that you are one too. Earth Angels are highly sensitive people that are empathetic and love to give to others. They get excited about opportunities to serve. They have the ability to see the best in people and have a natural optimism about life. A fellow Earth Angel once saved my life and I knew from that moment on that I also wanted to be a source of transformation for others. 

I’ve been a life coach all my life without even knowing it. A life coach is someone who helps people make progress in their lives in order to attain greater fulfillment. I have advocated for the sick and for those in need, I have supported family and friends through tough times and I have successfully recovered from a life threatening illness called Ulcerative Colitis. I’ve always had a belief in this inner greatness but couldn’t quite harness the potential power until I discovered these tools through personal development.


I trained with the world’s greatest life Coach Tony Robbins. This along with my own experience of recovery has given an abundance of strategies to help bring about transformation in the lives of many people. I believe it’s possible to live a beautiful and fulfilling life. My mission is to direct you on your path of life by improving your relationships, your mental health, your day-to-day living but most importantly, returning you to your true identity.

For over a decade I have worked with hundreds of men, women and young people around the world both online, on The SOL retreats and live events. I help them to identify their limiting beliefs and get them to discover their life’s purpose. I believe in people more than they believe in themselves. My life coaching program helps to bring light to the beauty and greatness in everyone. 


Earth Angel Ireland