hoovers and radiators.

I’m sure someone springs to mind when you think of being drained of your energy. There is someone that no matter when you’re talking to them, they have a drama going on in their life. They complain and moan and blame everyone else for their life’s circumstances. You may feel heavy after leaving their company. 

I think if we’re honest with ourselves we may remember times when we were the Hoover of the conversation.

Hopefully someone springs to mind when I describe a Radiator. Someone who is lovely to be around. They make you feel warm and comfortable and they radiate light and joy. It’s a pleasure to be in their company.

Negative or Positive

A good way to find out whether you are a Hoover or a Radiator is to ask yourself how would the top three people in my life describe me? I would encourage you to surround yourself with Radiators and maybe remove the Hoover’s. For no amount of sucking will ever fill that void.

#Freedom #Radiate #Light #Joy #Coach #NewLife

Everything you see began with a thought. Every invention was first a thought. If you see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. We are like magnets we attract people, situations and events into your lives based on the thoughts we have. The mind is everything. what do you think you become. You may have heard the law of attraction is simply means whatever you focus on, think about, read about and talk about intensely you’re going to attract it into your life. This goes for the good and also for the bad. Choose your thoughts wisely for they are more powerful than you could ever imagine. Thank of the universe like a giant Amazon. Place your order today and see what happens. If you’d like to learn more about how this works, I’d love to help you. I have some wonderful manifestation stories in my life. I love to create and I will make my life a masterpiece. 

#LawOfAttraction #Visions #Life #ThoughtsBecomeThings #Masterpiece #Amazon#Universe #KnockAndTheDoorWillOpen #SeekAndYouWillFind #AskAndItWillBeGiven


How much do you value your happiness? How much do you protect it? Do you give it away freely to people that annoy you? Do you give it away when you get a parking ticket? Do you let others steal your joy? 

When we increase the value that we put on our happiness and protect it we are less likely to give it away. When we realize it’s a precious gift and it’s our true nature to be happy, we treasure it more. We were not designed to be depressed. Our natural state is happiness.  It’s available to us all when we decide to be happy.  

I wake up every day and say… Today is a great day. I love my life. Thank you, Jesus. Today I choose happiness. I will let nothing steel my joy. 

#Joy #Happiness #Freedom #Love #Gratitude #Thanksgiving #Coach

I was diagnosed with a disease called Ulcerative Colitis at the age of 21. To date there is no known cause or cure. I beg to differ. 

I have learnt the hard way, that without our health we have nothing. It is so fragile and the thing we take for granted the most. We abuse our bodies like we will live forever. I have also come to realise the power through the mind and body connection and without a healthy psychology, our bodies can become diseased. I don’t just talk about a beautiful lifestyle I live it.

I am only an expert in my own experience of life. I do not proclaim to have all the answers but I have learnt some and I would love to share them with you. 

I think it’s safe to say we all know what sickness looks like. Sickness in the mind or sickness in the body. We know what mental illness looks like. 

What I’m interested in learning about is, what does a healthy mind look like? What does a healthy body look like? Success leaves clues. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel. We simply have to seek out those people who live and breathe health. They have a healthy mind and body. Ask ourselves, what do they do? What do they eat? What do they live by? 

Find a role model.  Someone who is living the healthy life you desire. study that and remember we become what we see. Where focus goes energy flows. 

We should not be treating the symptoms of our bad habits, but finding the cause and cure.  I can tell you what we put into our bodies is a good place to start.

#Healthy #MentalHealth #Awareness #Learning #Coaching #LifeCoach #Wellness