Guest Speaker

'Marie had a special way to make us feel connected as a group online. She was vulnerable, open and embracing in all that she was teaching us. She has a magical way that I've never seen before'- Lisa Downey

Speaking About Wellness

Marie-Therese Martin has been in front of crowds as a speaker, an entertainer, a master of ceremonies and as a singer/song writer for more than 2 decades.

Her unique journey through a 7 year battle with a life threatening illness and ultimate victory to recovery makes her message one that inspires, energizes and adds value in countless different ways. 

She’s prepared to captivate, entertain and enlighten any crowd on the most important subjects such as relationships in the work place, emotional mastery, pre and post surgery strategies, mental health and living life with purpose and passion.

Having Marie-Therese as your guest speaker, live online or in person, is guaranteed to create a powerful atmosphere to bring about a life transforming moment for all that perfectly meets your needs.

Speaking About Vision
Love Conquers All
Giving Life To God's Creatures